Wednesday, May 27, 2009

trip out of country

Hello every one so it has been a while since i have made a new post. this next month i have to go out of country because of the regulations of a tourist visa being only good for 90 days. this will give me a chance to see a little more of the world. I am currently planning to meet Ludo and Sylvia in prague the weekend of the 12th of june but still have to work out all the details. but it will be nice to see a familiar face from back in oregon. and should also be a wonderful opportunity to capture the beautiful city of prague in pictures. i will post an update as soon as i get things finalized.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Thank You

Hi everyone i just wanted to take some time to thank all of my friends and family for your continued supports and prayers. Things here are starting to go a little better im getting to know some of the people a little bit more and am feeling a little more comfortable here. It also sounds as though they are going to have me start working on more english projects which will be much easier and I will be able to get more done this way.

Also I wanted to let those who may not have known but you can leave comments to my posts and i check them pretty frequently so if you just want to write just a short little message its a great place to do it.

Thanks again for all yours prayers and support


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Begining of May

Hello everyone, it's been a while since i posted an update so i thought i would let you know how things are going. I am still trying to learn more romanian. but it is a very slow and gradual process. The language barrier definitely gets in the way at times particularly with the projects they have given me to do. Almost all of my projects have to be in romanian so this makes things quite difficult, and at times halts me at a standstill where I can not go any further without the help of someone that speaks both english and romanian. many people speak both languages but are too busy with their own projects to help me with mine. So far i have made a flyer for the summer youth camp and helped design the flyer for the summer health camp aswell as nearly completing the advertisement videos for the health camp.

I wish everyone a blessed day and blessings throughout the month of May.